What is low testosterone treatment?

With a diagnosis of low testosterone, it is possible to treat the condition with low testosterone therapy. There are many methods to administer testosterone for the condition of Low T, but the most widely used method utilizes injection therapy. Typical first office visit and treatment is as follows.

1st Appointment
1. Consultation with the Men’s HRT(Hormone Replacement Therapy) program manager. This consultation will cover what qualifies a patient for Testosterone Therapy, what blood labs need to be administered prior to treatment. How is treatment administered and what costs are involved to be on a monitored testosterone program. Insurance coverage and affordable cash plans will be covered.
2. Patient will be sent out to get blood labs to prior to his next appointment and you will be scheduled for your 2nd appointment at the Hawaii Low T Clinic.

2nd Appointment
1. Laboratory results will be thoroughly reviewed to verify if Testosterone Therapy is a good fit for your situation.
2. Patient will be rescheduled in 30 days for a follow up exam to discuss progress.
3. Depending on the lab results your treatment program dosage may be increased or decreased according to subjective findings and lab values.

What will not happen at the Hawaii Low T Clinic
1. You will not feel embarrassed to be here.
2. We will not put you in a small room and hard sell you on our program.
3. We will not ever ask you to pay in advance for a 12-month treatment program.

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