What to Expect from a Testosterone Replacement Clinic in Honolulu, Hawaii

If you have low testosterone or suspect that you have low testosterone, you may be considering a trip to a Testosterone Replacement Clinic.  Here’s a look at what to expect from a Testosterone Replacement Clinic.

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3…

And you thought your test taking days ended the day you got your diploma.  The very first thing a Testosterone Replacement facility is going to want to do is interview you.  They will most likely ask you a series of questions in order to determine whether or not you should get further tests.  They will want to know if you are exhibiting some or all of the symptoms of declining testosterone.

The symptoms of testosterone decline include but are not limited to: lowered sex drive, impeded sexual performance, fatigue, depression,  decrease in overall strength and weight gain.  If you are experiencing these things, you may be in need of further testing.  Your clinician may choose to give you further tests even if you are not experiencing these things as there have been cases where men do not exhibit any symptoms but have lower testosterone levels.

If you have been tested before and your testosterone levels were normal, you still may want to consider getting tested again as you age.  As it turns out, men’s testosterone declines slowly over time at a rate of approximately 1 percent per year starting around age 40.  Some men do experience declining testosterone at a younger age.

What Your Tests Reveal

The Endocrine Society publishes clinical practice guidelines with recommendations for who should and shouldn’t receive testosterone therapy.  With that being said, The Endocrine Society standards set the guideline for testosterone levels at less than 300 ng/dl as being low.  If your tests reveal that your testosterone levels have fallen below this number, your clinician may want to recommend Testosterone Replacement Therapy or TRT.

When TRT is the Wrong Choice

If you exhibit the symptoms of declining testosterone and your testosterone test reveals low numbers, you may be a candidate for TRT.  However, TRT is not for everyone.  Tell your doctor if you have prostate or breast cancer, a nodule on the prostate that can be felt during a DRE, a PSA greater than 3 ng/ml without further evaluation, a hematocrit greater than 50% or thick, viscous blood, untreated obstructive sleep apnea, severe urinary tract symptoms or class III or class IV heart failure.  Therapy is not recommended for men with any of these symptoms.

Your Replacement Therapy Clinic Visits

Once your clinic has established that Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a good course of action for you, you will most likely begin receiving hormone injections.  These injections are the most established form of TRT.  There are other forms including the patch and a topical gel administered daily.  Talk to your clinician if you would like more information regarding these alternative treatments.  Injections are usually injected into the buttock region every two to three weeks.

Side Effects

Some men experience fluctuations in their hormone levels.  Minor potential side effects of HRT include fluid retention, acne and increased urination.  More severe potential side effects include: breast enlargement, increased cholesterol levels, decreased sperm count, infertility, increased number of red blood cells, decreased testicle size, and worsening of sleep apnea.  An increased number of red blood cells can result in muscle pain, high blood pressure, blurry vision, chest pain and blood clots in your blood vessels.  Testosterone levels need to be monitored consistently to ensure your safety.  High testosterone levels can be dangerous and even deadly.

  • Question: How Can I Find a Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clinic Near Me?
  • Answer: Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clinics can be found through an internet search engine like Google or through the recommendation of your primary care physician.
  • Question: Is TRT in Honolulu?
  • Answer: Yes.  There are clinics that specialize in Testosterone Replacement Therapy or TRT in Honolulu.
  • Question: Is a Testosterone Treatment Center in Honolulu My Only Option?
  • Answer: No.  You always have a choice when it comes to your health.  Other alternatives to talk to your doctor about include: resistance training, cardiovascular exercise and increased protein intake.  However, none of these things will change your testosterone levels.  They will simply help you to adjust to testosterone decline.
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